Level Of Development Services

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a highly integrated version of preparing the 2D as well as 3D Models, that helps in preparing, designing, and representing models according to the mixed ideas of the client and the hard-core engineers of Steel Construction Detailing. While the preparation of the model, the levels of development are authentically followed for a smooth flow of the work at the site. BIM miniatures are formed by using BIM Tools and Software. Herein, for identifying the BIM Model, LOD comes into the picture, helping the BIM Modelers, Constructors, and the AEC Professionals, in terms of collaboration and communication between the project.

The Level of Development (LOD) is principally the developmental stage of the Building Information Modeling (BIM). The Level of Development(LOD) is the description of the initialization segment for the AEC Industry experts, that productively communicate, process the documentation procedure, and thereafter lead on with the citation. LOD is the 3-Dimensional geometrical picturization of the building model to be prepared following the various magnitudes of development. LOD is a set of information that simplifies the sketches, designs, structure, components, software, cost estimation, tabular scheduling, quality deliverance, production control, fabrication, and statistics required for the engineers to rely on the building hoisting. Accompanying the support of various levels makes the work of the developers and engineers more productive and easy.

Level of Development(LOD) bridges the gap between the clients, engineers, and the workmen working on a particular BIM project. It enumerates the perfect coordination, and communication among each other and farewells the best execution of work. Covering the six different levels of development, LOD Is the best way of defining the BIM Model to be structured by the BIM Modelers. The Level of Development helps in assembling the various parameters for making the detailed structure for the Designing Model. LOD is the lifecycle of the BIM Tool. It has proved to be a vital tool in the BIM Process. Bifurcating the various levels of Development are as follows,

  • LOD 100- Predetermined Design
  • LOD 200- Representational Design
  • LOD 300- Expanded Design
  • LOD 350- Authentication & Verification
  • LOD 400- Manufacturing & Convention
  • LOD 500- Concluding Design

LOD prepares an articulated model, iterating different geometrical figures and information that is involved throughout the entire construction process. LOD specifically guides the designers with the intrinsic characterization of the components and elements used in the process of Modeling Refinement. This service aims to provide sequentially and stimulated workflow in developing a sightful construction unit. We the developers of the Steel Construction Detailing acquire all the levels of LOD. that are internationally used and sustained.

There are simply Six Fundamental Levels of LOD that are with convection utilized in the preparation of the designing model. Each level has a different construction process to follow -

LOD 100- Basic Formation at the Site

LOD 100 provides the 3D graphical description of the model initiated at the beginning of the preparation. It comprises the basic data points like area, location, volume, height, and other basic determinants of the modeling project. The information speculated from LOD 100 is considered to be approximative. For instance- the formation of a Dimensional Box.

LOD 200- Simplified Design

It is the non-geometric representation, defining the aggregated information and quantity of segments with appropriate size, shape, number, and actual placement used in the orientation of modeling. It represents the random illustration of the BIM Model to be structured, majorly for large projects. It is a bit complex as compared to LOD 100. For example- Light fittings and fixtures.

LOD 300- Development of Design

The LOD 200 phase helps LOD 300 in defining and forming the exact design with precise dimensions yielded for the construction concerning the model constructed. Assuring the correct posture and origin of the Models as per the representation entailed. It is the decent, informative, pictographic orientation of the BIM Model drawn up. An example of LOD 300 is Rofliner or Troffer.

LOD 350- Manufacturing Confirmation

LOD 350 is a detailed structurization of the model describing in detail the elements precisely concerning the interface of the building prepared using various application software, and images formed for the construction with the standard points represented. This level helps in coordination and is supportive of the items used in the layouts and detecting the indifference in the miniature produced. It indicates the way the ingredients are mixed for preparing the building interface. For instance Lightolier and several others.

LOD 400- Assemblance of the Model

The outlined Model at LOD 400 provides the basic information about the elements used for the structurization and efficiently assembling them as per the needs, specifications, and budget provided by the clients. It is of great use to the fabricators and the engineers. It contains information on the fabrication, assembling, and commissioning of the featured model parts. Constructing and Fabrication include craning, manual lifting, and other methods. For Example, Decorative objects.

LOD 500- Final Functioning

This stage is the final and the real functional stage, grouping the elements and building a BIM Model. It is also known as As-Built Models. The final representation, maintenance, and operation of the BIM model are formulated. The model herein can also be used as a reference for other projects, also giving operational ideas that facilitate the managers.

LOD brings a high level of accuracy and reliability in preparing articulated models for the AEC Industry. It brings integrity to the BIM stages in the design of the construction process. LOD helps in removing the inconsistencies and damages faced during the project construction. To have clash-free and easy preparation of the BIM Models it becomes important to follow the different levels of the development.

We at Steel Construction Detailing provide the best informative work to the actual holders of the project. The team of developers is highly skilled, rendering 100% customer satisfaction work, at competitive rates and after delivery service allotment. For getting more information about the services of Steel Construction Detailing and Level of Development specifically, then constant our fabricators, now at info@steelconstructiondetailing.com